Beijing Shui Mu Yuan Art Education is a high-end boutique studio with Academy of Arts & Design , Tsinghua University & Design and Central Academy of Fine Arts as the main training direction. Focusing on the art exam for 12 years, Shui Mu Yuan has formed the reputation of ADD.THU training with its excellent results and refined management. It is praised by the majority of students and parents as “the leader of the Academy of Arts & Design and Central Academy of Fine Arts”,”harvester of the famous school of arts”, and “the dream factory of the Communication University of China and Beijing Film Academy”. Shui Mu Yuan adheres to the school-running philosophy of "pursuing excellence and cultivating elites". Shui Mu Yuan introduces excellent teachers from prestigious schools such as Academy of Arts & Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts, and China Academy of Arts, gathers national art test teaching elites, and develops a scientific and systematic teaching system. Under the guidance of the education policy of " teach students in accordance with their aptitude, focus on prestigious schools, scientific planning, and targeted training ", with solid teaching and military management, we help students realize their dreams in key schools such as theADD.THU and CAFA and 985/211. Received unanimous praise from the majority of students and parents.
独角兽 一匹周身雪白的小马,前额有一只昂扬向上的角,这就是传说中的圣灵独角兽。水木源以圣洁灵物为信念表征,期冀独角兽的纯洁、高贵、骄傲 伴随学员成长,给予学员拼搏的力量 愿每一个水木源学员 一路优异,一路逆袭。水木源的独角兽们天赋异凛,才华横溢,目标坚定,锐意进取,势不可挡! 他们树立考名校考美院的目标,用超人般的勤奋和努力,创造出一个又一个奇迹,实现了鱼跃龙门、屌丝逆袭。他们们眼睛里所散发的那股光芒,和身上所阐释的那股奋斗精神,正是独角兽精神。
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